Getting Started
First things first! Are you familiar with the Java programming language? You have got to. This game was built using that language and that also means that you will need to have the Java JDK installed on your machine.

Don't have Java JDK installed? Install the latest from here

Once you have done that (or if you already have done that, either way), ensure that your System Variable PATH is set to the Java JDK bin directory.

Download Mouse Run!
We are providing two different sets of Mouse Run downloads. They are meant for two different groups of people. You should download the one that you really need.

Mouse Run (MouseRun.osx.v1.130428 or
This set contains everything (except for the JavaDoc). It contains the source codes as well as the class files. This set is meant for those who wish to create a derived version of Mouse Run for any reasons which includes competition for learning institutions. - This game is an Open Source application.

Mouse Run - No Source (MouseRun.nosrc.osx.v1.130428 or
This set contains only the class files and a special launcher batch file that helps to integrate Mouse implementations easily to the Host package. This set is meant for everyone else who just want to test their capability of creating an intelligent something.
Copyright © 2013 Muhammad Mustaqim.

If you have any ideas on how I can further enhance the game or you need to communicate with me, contact me at

If you can't wait, you can always make it better yourself. Hey! It's Open Source!